Passive intermodulation (PIM) arises when there are two or more signals present in a passive non-linear device. Interference caused by PIM decreases a cell's receive sensitivity and can block phone calls completely. Consequently, PIM is a serious issue for cellular providers because it decreases reliability, data rate, and capacity of their networks. Previously, RF engineers were able to choose a channel frequency that wouldn't produce PIM in the desired receive bands. Unfortunately, now that cellular usage has grown and continues to grow, the licensed spectrum is overcrowded and engineers must accept the potential of PIM issues while choosing less optimal RF carrier frequencies. Aging antenna systems and infrastructure make PIM even stronger. Receiver-noise-floor-diversity-imbalance and high noise floors are signs of PIM problems. From a carrier perspective, lower data rates, high dropped calls, and shorter average calls are other signs of PIM.
PIM Analyzers are an essential tool in discovering the true source of PIM by matching the PIM test power level more closely to the actual power level used at the site. Reverse PIM testing is the most common form of PIM testing. During this test, two signals are sent to an antenna while using the same test port to capture and measure PIM. It is suggested that reverse PIM testing be done while sweeping one of the frequencies in order to avoid unintentional errors. Forward PIM testing is another form of testing and can be completed by either using filter networks on the output of the device being tested or an external antenna measuring propagated signals. This test requires an external receive antenna and spectrum analyzer.
Avalon Test Equipment offers a wide variety of PIM Testers from top manufacturers (Anritsu and Kaelus) for rent or purchase so you can Test With Confidence®.
Kaelus iPA 600 MHz Passive Intermodulation Analyzer. The iPA Series Passive Intermodulation analyzer is the first battery-powered PIM Test Analyzer versatile enough to support multiple test scenarios such as testing at the top of the tower, base of the tower, rooftop, and in-building for DAS systems. PIM Gear
Kaelus iPA Dual Band Passive Intermodulation Analyzer. The iPA Series Passive Intermodulation analyzer is the first battery-powered PIM Test Analyzer versatile enough to support multiple test scenarios such as testing at the top of the tower, base of the tower, rooftop, and in-building for DAS systems. PIM Gear.
Kaelus iPA 850 MHz Passive Intermodulation Analyzer. The iPA Series passive intermodulation analyzer is the first battery-powered PIM Test Analyzer versatile enough to support multiple test scenarios such as testing at the top of the tower, the base of the tower, rooftop, and in-building for DAS systems.
Kaelus iPA 2600 MHz Passive Intermodulation Analyzer. The iPA Series Passive Intermodulation (PIM) analyzer is the first battery-powered PIM Test Analyzer versatile enough to support multiple test scenarios such as testing at the top of the tower, base of tower, rooftop and in-building for DAS systems. PIM Gear.
Kaelus iPA 1900 MHz Passive Intermodulation Analyzer. The iPA Series Passive Intermodulation (PIM) analyzer is the first battery-powered PIM Test Analyzer versatile enough to support multiple test scenarios such as testing at the top of the tower, base of tower, rooftop and in-building for DAS systems. PIM Gear.
The OTDR operates within the 1475 to 1626 nm range, known as the SCL band. Its impressive dynamic range of 25 dB (or 32 dB with a reflector) allows precise measurements. When assessing distances, the uncertainty is ±(0.01 + 1% × distance). Remarkably, the OTDR completes its analysis in a swift 30 seconds or less. For accurate chromatic dispersion (CD) assessment, we need a minimum of 8 test points, with an uncertainty of ±10 ps/nm. Additionally, the polarization mode dispersion (PMD) display handles values up to 35 ps, while PMD measurements span from 0.1 to 20 ps with an uncertainty of ±(0.2 + 5% × PMD). These specifications ensure precise characterization of optical fibers, contributing to efficient and reliable communication networks.